When Is Tooth Pain an Emergency?

Tooth pain is a nuisance. But in some cases, tooth pain might be so severe that you could be wondering: is it a dental emergency?

The short answer is yes, tooth pain is enough of a reason to reach out to a dentist for emergency dental services. And getting checked by a dentist can even help you prevent serious complications.

Here’s how to know if your toothache warrants a visit to the dentist’s office right away.

What Is a Dental Emergency?

Dental emergencies are any dental issues or conditions that need to be treated right away. Most people think of fractures or knocked-out teeth as common dental emergencies, but they are far from the only ones.

A toothache is often a symptom of something going on inside your mouth. While people have different tolerances for pain, a good rule of thumb is to consider it a dental emergency if:

Seeing a dentist right away will not only help remove your discomfort, but can quickly help you discover why your tooth is hurting in the first place. Dental pain can be a symptom of a lot of different conditions, such as:

For all of these issues, it’s best not to wait. Tooth pain rarely goes away on its own, and most often it is a sign that something much worse is occurring with your oral health.

So the golden rule is: if you are experiencing high levels of pain, don’t wait for a regular appointment. See a dentist right away to get to the bottom of things!

What Happens During an Emergency Dental Appointment?

During an emergency dental appointment, the dentist will first inspect your oral health to try and determine why you are experiencing pain. They will perform an oral exam and take an X-ray of your mouth to fully assess your situation.

Based on the results, they will establish a treatment plan designed to address your condition and restore your oral health.

In some cases, you may need multiple visits in order to fully fix the problem at hand. But in general, the pain can be treated after the first visit and the dentist may prescribe you with at-home medication to manage your symptoms further on.

Need Emergency Care? Fox Point Dental Studio Can Help

If you are dealing with severe dental pain or any other dental emergency, don’t wait for a regular appointment. Call Fox Point Dental Studio right away for an emergency dental visit at 414-236-5885 to get the swift care you need.

For a regular appointment, you can schedule a consultation with Dr. Major or Dr. Krenzke online today!

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