Can You Get Dental Implants With Gum Disease?

If you’re struggling with missing teeth and are considering dental implants in Fox Point, it’s crucial to meet with Dr. Major or Dr. Krenzke and find out if you’re a good candidate for this procedure.

You see, dental implants aren’t for everyone. You need to meet certain criteria to ensure the surgery will be a success and avoid implant failure. One of these conditions is healthy gums.

Keep reading to learn more.

Why Do Implants Need Healthy Gums?

Unlike other tooth replacement options like dental crowns, implants get inserted into the jaw bone and mimic the structure and role of a natural tooth to the letter.

The surgery involves taking a metal post and putting it in the socket of the missing tooth. Once completed, the tissues surrounding it begin to heal, such as the bone and gums, in a process called osseointegration. After about six months, the area is healed, and the post is fixed in place, able to support the abutment and dental crown to complete the procedure.

Unhealthy gums cannot properly heal around the metal post, potentially leading to implant failure. Moreover, if you have gum disease, which is an infection of the gums, the condition can eventually spread to the jaw bone and affect the dental implant.

How to Still Get Implants If You’re Dealing with Gum Disease

Even though you’re experiencing gum disease, it doesn’t necessarily mean dental implants aren't for you at all; they just can’t be implanted right now.

First, you’ll need to get treatment for gum disease and heal this soft tissue. Depending on how advanced the condition is, your treatment could include:

Once you heal from gum disease, you’ll need a subsequent appointment to determine if your mouth can support a dental implantt.

What Other Factors Determine If Dental Implants Are Right for You?

Apart from healthy gums, getting dental implants also requires

The best way to know if gum disease is the only thing keeping you from getting implants is to see a dentist for a consultation.

How Fox Point Dental Studio Can Help

Dental implants are indeed a great way to replace missing teeth, but the good news is that they’re not the only ones. Dr. Major and Dr. Krenzke can help you discover your best restoration options and get back a healthy and stunning smile.

Find out if dental implants are right for you or tap into your other options by scheduling your appointment with us.

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